Freeva Helpline: 0808 802 0028 | 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247


The YP Project

We are here to support you. We understand what you may be experiencing and we can help.

Are you hurting your parent, carer or partner?

Are you struggling with your anger, frustration and emotions and taking it out on those you love?

We know that relationships at home can be really difficult, but we’re here to help and support you. We can listen to your problems, talk through any tricky relationships you have at home, and can give you some handy tips to help with improving your situation.

At the YP Project, we provide an impartial, non-judgmental environment for you to talk about how you feel. We can talk you through harmful behaviours, healthy relationships, managing emotions, resolving conflict and more.

We know that life can be hard as a young person, but you’re not alone. Many others in the same situation as you have come to us for help.

We’re here to help you, and it’s never too late to ask for support. Call us on 0116 254 0101 for a chat with one of our friendly team.

What young people say about The YP Project...

“I have seen some positive changes in myself such as, talking calmly towards my family and feeling much more positive.”

“I’ve become a lot better at handling stressful situations which helps me stay a lot calmer and composed.”

“I feel that I’ve become a lot more patient in day-to-day life and can see things from different perspectives."

Further Programme Details

We work with young people from 10 -18 years throughout Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

We are normally involved with a young person for between 3 to 6 months, though this can be a shorter or longer period depending on individual need.

The interventions we deliver are designed to best support you as an individual, for this reason we have the ability of delivering specific programmes such as the Respect Young People’s Programme (aimed at both the parent and the young person) or bespoke interventions designed specifically around individual requirements.

Our team of trauma-informed practitioners ensure that appropriate support is provided. We will complete an assessment with you as the young person, the parent(s) or carer(s) and where appropriate with siblings. This provides an opportunity for families to share their concerns, perspective, experiences and their hopes.

Useful Contacts:

We are not an emergency service. If you need urgent assistance, please contact the Police.

What parents say about The YP Project...

"All the aspects of the programme have been helpful! The input, the structure, all the guidance, support and the knowledge that given me the basis to understand and work with my children as a team. We have a much better relationship now.’’

‘’Everyone in my position should be involved in the Project as the ability to turn around difficult family situations or change abusive behaviour is phenomenal.’’

‘’Working with The YP Project has very potentially stopped me having to put my child into care because I was simply not coping. Thank you!’’

How to get help

We’re here to help improve your circumstances. For information more relevant to your family, contact us via The YP Project details below. We provide support to anyone living in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland who has or is experiencing domestic violence, rape and/or sexual assault. If you live outside of the Leicestershire or Rutland area, please contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

Seeking Change

Looking for support to change? Call The YP Project today.

Get Informed

If you’re not yet ready to speak to someone, we have a range of information and resources available for you to read and use in the meantime.

To refer yourself to our support services, and begin your journey to a brighter future, call 0116 254 0101.

If you’re not yet ready to speak to someone, we have a range of information and resources available for you to read and use in the meantime. To refer yourself to our support services, and begin your journey to a brighter future, call 0116 254 0101.

Self Help to Change

Things You Can Do To Help Yourself

If you’ve recognised that your behaviour has caused harm in your relationships, then you have already taken the first step towards change. Here are some things you can do to begin adjusting your behaviour on your journey.

Domestic Abuse

What Does Domestic Abuse Look Like?

Are you concerned that you may be using abusive behaviour towards someone you love? If so, you’re in the right place. Firstly, let’s talk a bit more about what domestic abuse can look like.

Are you currently or have you previously experienced domestic violence, rape or sexual assault?

Explore More of Our

Services for those Looking to Change

Foundations Programme

We know talking about your behaviour and emotions is tricky, but you’re in the right place. Our range of support services can provide you with a non-judgmental space to talk about your emotions, and provide guidance and advice on your journey.

Second Step Programme

This 24 week programme aimed at those looking to change will explore the impact of abusive behaviour, healthy and respectful communication, and the foundations of a successful relationship.

Women’s Programme

Our Women’s Programme is a weekly group programme for women who are using violent and abusive behaviours in their heterosexual or same sex relationships.

The YP Project

We work with young people from 10 -18 years throughout Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to support change in difficult relationships.

Step Up Dads Programme

If you’ve already completed our Second Step programme, and are looking to work on your fathering or co-parenting skills, our Step Up Dads programme is for you.

1 on 1 Support

Whilst we offer a range of support programmes in group settings, some people may be better suited to 1-on-1 advice and/or maintenance sessions, depending on their circumstances.

Maintenance Programme

If you’ve completed our Second Step programme, we offer a monthly drop-in session that you can attend for ongoing support.
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