Freeva Helpline: 0808 802 0028 | 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247


What Does Domestic Abuse Look Like?

Are you concerned that you may be using abusive behaviour towards someone you love? If so, you’re in the right place. Firstly, let’s talk a bit more about what domestic abuse can look like.

Domestic abuse is a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour aimed at establishing power and control over an intimate partner.

Domestic abuse can take various forms, and is not limited to physical violence; it can also be emotional, psychological, financial, and sexual abuse.

Domestic Abuse

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse involves using force to cause harm or injury. This can include, but isn’t limited to:

  • Hitting
  • Slapping
  • Punching, or any form of physical aggression

Emotional and Psychological Abuse

Emotional abuse is less visible but equally harmful. It includes behaviours that undermine someone’s self-worth, such as:

  • Constant criticism
  • Putting them down
  • Making them feel bad about themselves
  • Name calling
  • Making them think they’re ‘crazy’
  • Playing mind games
  • Guilt tripping
  • Manipulation
  • Humiliation
  • Psychological abuse aims to control the victim’s thoughts and emotions, often affecting their mental health.


Controlling what somebody does, who they see, and where they go can severely damage their mental health. This includes:

  • Limiting people to outside involvement
  • Using jealousy to justify actions

Using Intimidation

Intimidating somebody is to make them afraid by using looks, actions, and gestures, and can include:

  • Smashing things
  • Destroying property
  • Abusing pets
  • Displaying weapons

Minimising, Denying and Blaming

This often involves making light of the abuse and not taking their concerns about it seriously, and can include:

  • Saying the abuse didn’t happen
  • Shifting responsibility for the abusive behaviour
  • Saying they ‘caused it’


Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse, and is when somebody discredits someone’s memories, perception, and sanity by:

  • Denying what they say
  • Lying
  • Spreading false information
  • Manipulating them into questioning their own beliefs

Using Children

A parent using their child to emotionally abuse a partner can include:

  • Making them feel guilty about the children
  • Using the children to relay messages
  • Using visitation to harass them
  • Threatening to take the children away

Using Male Privilege

Male privilege is a system of advantages or rights that are available to men on the basis of their sex. Using this against a partner can look like:

  • Making all the big decisions
  • Acting like the ‘master of the castle’
  • Being the one to define men’s and women’s roles

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is controlling someone’s financial resources, limiting their access to money and therefore their independence. This form of abuse can look like:

  • Withholding funds
  • Preventing employment
  • Coercing financial decisions
  • Not giving access to family income

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse involves unwanted sexual acts or coercion against someone’s will. It is a violation of personal boundaries and can have severe long-term consequences on the victim’s mental and emotional well-being.

Digital Abuse

Digital abuse can look like:

  • Continuously monitoring someone’s online activity, for example through their social media or email.
  • Using online platforms to abuse an individual
  • Using GPS software to track an individual’s movements
  • Online stalking and harassment via platforms such as emails

Post Separation Abuse

Post Separation Abuse occurs once a relationship has ended, and is often in the form of:

  • Coercive control
  • Allegations
  • Abusive parenting


If you can see some of these behaviours in yourself, you’ve done the right thing in getting help. It’s not too late to use your strength to change, not control.

Our change programmes can give you the information and tools you may need to change your life.

We can help you to build healthier relationships in your life, identify your triggers and behaviour patterns, and ultimately move on from your abusive behaviour for good. For your partner, for your children, for you. Find out more about the support on offer.

Use your strength to change

If you’ve read these impacts of abuse and think that your behaviour is harmful, you’re in the right place.

We know acknowledging your harmful behaviour can be difficult, but reaching out for help to change shows strength and motivation. You can do this, and we’re here to help.

The support available through Freeva’s Jenkins Project is designed to help people just like you. We can provide guidance and advice on how to change your behaviours, and work to help you build healthier, more respectful relationships.

Our non-judgmental support is available for you. You can find out more about the support available here, or get in touch with us today.

Looking for support? Get Further Information.

More Tips & Tools for Change

We know it can be hard to accept that your behaviour may be hurting your loved ones. If you’re not ready to speak to someone about your behaviour, we have a range of information and resources available for you to read and use in the meantime.
Self Help to Change
If you’ve recognised that your behaviour has caused harm in your relationships, then you have already taken the first step towards change. Here are some things you can do to begin adjusting your behaviour on your journey.
The Impact of Abuse
Find out more about the impact of domestic abuse on loved ones, including emotional, psychological, isolation, financial and social impact.
Seeking Support
Looking to change abusive behaviour shows strength, asking for help shows strength. Finding out more about our services is a big stride towards healthier relationships.

Read our latest blog articles for further information.

Real Life Stories

Feeling nervous about taking those first steps and reaching out to us? We understand how you might be feeling, so we’ve provided you with some case stories below of the real life people we’ve supported through our services and how we’ve made a real imapct to them and their families.
"I will forever be grateful for how Freeva have supported Ash through such a difficult time." Find out how Freeva's services helped Ash and their family.
Women's Programme
Marie called Freeva’s helpline and spoke with a friendly support worker who guided her through weeks of support. Find out how Freeva's services helped her and her family.
"Freeva didn’t just help him cope with the sexual abuse, but they also took into account the other factors that were affecting his life." Find out how Freeva's services helped James and his friend.
What is Sexual Abuse
Tom grew concerned about his best friend, Alex, after he didn't show up for his birthday party and distanced himself from all his friends. Find out how Tom saved Alex from an abusive relationship with the help and support of Freeva.
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